Week 15 Post 2

As for my first measurement: Total likes, comments and shares, the amount of total likes is 11,458 and the comments and shares range from 8 to 17 per post. This is a great example of presenting ourselves to a large number of people but still not doing well enough. We are able to reach a large range but are unable to go deep. This can be seen in the large number of total likes and how it is not on level with the comments and shares. We need to find a better way to engage the audience. Total likes, comments and shares are crucial to the company's online success as the higher the number that people will visit and/or see our posts in the future, a good indicator or predictor of that. As for the second measurement: Number of people reached and people engaged. We reached almost 24,000 people. The vast majority of them being in the United States. Almost half of those Americans being from San Diego. This helps us narrow down to see if our audience is really the people we are targeting too. Extra information would be that we reach more women than men and that the most popular age group we reach are women from 25-44. As for the number of people engaged, only a small part of those we reached were actually interested in out material. The United States and San Diego are still our most popular but more men were interested than women and it was really men from 25-44 that were our most engaging set of potential customers. The number of people reached is important because it will give us very valuable insight as to as to how many people on Facebook actually see us. Not just how many people we reach but also how many people actually engage with our material. This helps us narrow down who our audience is and what we can/should do to enhance/promote our page. As for the total number of people who viewed our page ranged from 12-21 per day, our most valuable resource being Facebook. The number of page and tab visits is crucial as it tells us the total number of times that each of my pages or tabs were viewed. This is very important to make us realize just how many people engage with our material by the day.


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