Week 16 Post 1

I have enjoyed Facebook the most by far. I find Facebook to be extremely interactive and easy to get attention as well as appropriate feedback. Facebook is so large that if you can reach the right people and know exactly who to advertise to, your company can be extremely successful. I really enjoyed advertising my company on Facebook because we are able to reach out to our specific population: high school students and college students. The one that I disliked the most was Twitter. My messages tend to be informative and therefore a bit large and Twitter just did not have as many people in our population to be able to reach out to. Twitter was just not the platform for us to use. Not many people, not our pool and not the best way to reach people. At least, that was the way that I felt about it. Facebook has a number of tools that I have found very useful. My Facebook page did a great job of putting my company out there. More specifically, I found three different things that I used to measure the success of my company on Facebook. The first tool was total likes, comments and shares. The second tool was the number of people reached and people engaged. The third was page and tab visits. I think that total likes, comments and shares is important because it provides positive engagement on your page and the higher the number is a huge indicator that more people will see your posts in the future. As for the second tool, the number of people reached on Facebook in recent weeks whether it was through likes, comments, sharing or any other type of way that would enhance or promote my page. Finally, the last tool that I found extremely useful was the number of page and tab visits is because it is important to know the total number of times that each of my pages or tabs were viewed. Other things I also found useful were external referrers and video views. External referrals being the total number of times visitors came to your page from a website other than Facebook. Video views being the total number of times your pages videos were viewed. All of these things combined made my experience on Facebook and excellent one for my business. I think that after determining who our target population is a business should spend around a third of the time on social media marketing.
Week 1 - Establish exactly who the audience really is by making a questionnaire about what grade the student is in and a list of things that students can select from what they are interested in. The second thing is to put up content on the material that we offer such as videos and stuff.
Week 2 - The second week is focused on strengthening the connection that we have with already existing customers. Providing them with the service that we offer. Learning more about the type of audience we need to hone in on.
Week 3 - Week three is focused on retaining and learning more about the type of people that we need to be to add to our customer list and begin the process. Keep on asking people how we can improve our service and what else they would like to see.
 Week 4 - Mass advertising to begin to let in large amounts of customers and post on magazines and academic journals. Being to look for improvements and additional features to be added to the website that we own.


  1. Facebook definitely sounds like the right platform for your business! I agree it seems the best to ensure you are reaching your target audience and the tools offered are very useful in determining if your marketing is paying off!

  2. Very interesting and a great way to approach your social network and to grow your business. Sounds like you put a lot of thought into this and I feel this is the best way to approach the social network!

  3. I agree with your assessment of Twitter, I don't really understand it either. Maybe you could tweet out some inspirational photos with a tag line or something? Anyway, FB is way better because there will probably be potential clients who would want to chat with you on FB!


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