Week 9 Post 1
Which search words you used to find your
connections? Did you have to play around with more than one key term to start
seeing the right results? Who did you end up finding?
Education, Success,
School, Make a difference, Academic were perhaps my most popular searches. The
searches were pretty easy to work with thanks to Twitter.
What lists did you create and why? How does
creating a list on Twitter help you stay organized or reach a goal?
I created a list
of Business partners and a list of Connections. Both are academic but Business
Partners has companies that work with us while Connections has companies that
would help us but are a little different.
What time would more customers see your tweets?
When are they most effective?
Honestly, I felt
like I received the same amount of views no matter the time was. I know that
this may probably not be normal but it seemed fine as of now!
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