Week 13 Post 1

Week 13 Post 1:

Princeton Review - Princeton Review is most popular for their SAT practice test and stuff like that, they actually offer a lot more than just that. They offer a number of services directed towards helping students find that careers right for them. They are also planning to expand on it. There website is also really nice with a very cool design and very accurate results. The only thing is that that it is not that popular. It gets attention but not major attention. In terms of social media, the Princeton Review gets a lot of attention nationally, but the career aspect of the Princeton Review remains in the shadows. They average out to almost sixty thousand followers in between all platforms.  They post around three times a week and their last post was yesterday. They get easily over a thousand likes for an average post. They receive a very high number of comments and their most common hashtags are preparation, success, and university. I love how they have established a brand and that is something will be vital if I want to make my company successfully like theirs.

Quizlet - Quizlet is very popular due to its support for homework and very important flashcards for a large number of high school students and college students. Quizlet is very popular and although they offer a very limited number of resources they are huge and extremely popular within the academic industry. Quizlet has an account on all platforms. Most importantly Quizlet has 90,000 followers on Facebook and almost 16,000 followers on Instagram. They are not very strong in social media but are definitely a go to when it comes to assignments. They post around twice a week on pretty much all platforms and appear to have high quality content.

Naviance- Naviance is very popular program that a lot of high school seniors use to find the right career for the, get tips on applying to college, and so much more. Naviance gets a lot of praise because it super in depth about careers and colleges but there is one thing worn with it. It is very hard to work with, making a lot of students think the search is not worth the hassle. Naviance is very active in social media and has very profession website. However its engagement could be doing better and it almost appears like its good years may have been in the past. They average out over twenty thousand followers in between all platforms. They post around three times a week and the last post was today. They get almost a thousand likes for a pretty good post. They receive a good number of comments and their most common hashtags are college, success and readiness. I really admire the versatility and the number of tools that Naviance offers that is something I am my program to have as well.

Canvas - Canvas is growing very rapidly and has become the most common program for a large number of schools. I have heard that Canvas is pretty good and I think that the main reason it is considered a good program is because it was a good design everything is organized and there are many other things you can do through the program that make it practical and easy to work with. Canvas is very popular and its keeps on growing in popularity. It is very active in social media and is expected to grow even more by next year. Canvas uses Facebook, Instagram and twitter. Facebook being the most active and twitter being the least. They average out over a dozen thousand followers in between all platforms. They post about twice a week and the last post was yesterday. They get a couple hundred likes for an average post. They receive a lot of comments and their most common hashtags are education, college and school. I really like how innovative Canvas is and how it has kept up with today's demands. I want my company to be just like Canvas and knockout competitors.

Blackboard - Blackboard is a company whose program is losing popularity due to its lack of keeping up with the latest demands. Blackboard was the program that Miracosta used two years and every year before that. However, it was just recently abandoned. Students said it was not the most practical thing to work with, it was hard for teacher to use and I feel like much of it was because of the design and how it was not very good. Blackboard is in the decline. There are many schools, like ours, that are looking for a program that is organized and easy to manage and it appears that Blackboard has failed to adapt to the needs is customers are looking for. Blackboard is still pretty active but it does not get as much attention as it did before. They use Facebook, Instagram and twitter. Facebook being the most active and twitter being the least. They average out less than a dozen thousand followers in between all platforms. They post about twice a week and their last post was today. They get almost two hundred likes for an average post. They receive a couple of comments per post but not that much, and their most common hashtags are success, education and school. I really like how black lot of tool, they were not the most organized but at least it taught me that just because you have a lot of tools it is not a guarantee of success.


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