Week 4 Post 2

Website 1: Transfermarkt.com - https://www.transfermarkt.com/
Website 2: Goal.com - https://www.goal.com/en-us
The website that I use the most is called Transfermarkt.com. Transfermkt.com is a soccer website that announces the most recent soccer transfer, rumors, player market values and so much more. I really like them because every minute they are updating their website. Soccer transfers happen very quickly and they keep me posted. Instead of having to go to one website for soccer highlights, another for soccer transfers and another for soccer rumors, I just go to Transfermarkt.com. I really like Transfermarkt.com because they are up to date and because they have it all.
The second website that I use the most is Goal.com. Goal.com, as the name indicates, is also a major soccer website. I really like them because they are up to date by the second. The only thing that I use them for is seeing who is winning a specific soccer game because they are the fastest to notify me. Other than that sometimes I like to read articles that they publish because they publish very unique content. They use will usually interview soccer players, coaches and experts so that is pretty cool.
The only thing that I do not really like about Goal.com is that their website template, their design is not the most appealing, it may be organized, but I can name at least five other websites that have cooler designs. Also Transfermarkt.com is a German website and sometimes they like to publish stuff in German as opposed to English and that is kind of annoying because I do not speak German. If these changes were made, I would absolutely love Transfermarkt.com a lot more. As for Goal.com, there are a few things that I like and a few things that I don't. Goal.com also offers insight into transfers and rumors but they are pretty slow when it comes to that and you kind of have to dig for it. So it Goal.com made others stories more visible such as transfers and rumors and were quicker to post them, I would certainly visit Goal.com more.


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