I have only really ever contacted a company once and that was when one time my little brother bought a very expensive plane (one of those with a controller that flies very high) and it broke down after a couple of days. Luckily, it came with a 90 day guarantee and i called them and emailed them and they responded with “you have to talk to the store” and we talked to the store and they said “you have to talk to the manufacturer”, which was really annoying. Honestly, I do think that social media does make it easier to get problem solved because social media makes everything be much more transparent, good and bad things. It makes the defects of certain products public, forcing the manufacture to fix them or let the company suffer from public opinion. I have never had a positive experience communicating with a business through social media. If I were to have my own business, I would address their concerns and have a really cool policy such has “if its damaged, we’ll fix it or we’ll give y...
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